Justice for Sheena is Justice for Bougainville

This webpage tells of how a serving 45 yr old female police officer, Sheena Cook, head of Criminal Investigation on the Island of Buka, Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB), Papua New Guinea (PNG), was allegedly unfairly targeted by corrupt senior police officers. This followed her turning whistleblower and reporting continual, serious sexual harassment both of her and other junior policewomen.

Sheena, my daughter, is second on left, with step mum Julie, brother, Moluam and baby sister, Tanya, when Sheena was at school in Hong Kong, 1993.

Certain of these allegedly corrupt senior officers are named here.

There are several other complaints of serious criminal misconduct by senior police in Bougainville that are already in the public domain and some of these are re-posted on this web page, (click here). We want to know what, if anything, is being done about these allegations.

This handwritten note is a copy of the summary of six-pages of notes: ”Complaint and Plea for Help” smuggled out from Sheena’s solitary confinement cell. This was written after six of her eight months of solitary confinement without visitors, communications, or access to a lawyer. A full, typed version of all six pages is presented here for ease of reference.

Stay up-to-date with Sheena’s trial news.

  • Launch of this site

    Launch of this site

    The reason for this website being prepared and published, today, 10 May 2024, is that today was supposed to be the day of my daughters pre-trial with our lawyer present. Instead, it was held two days before our lawyer’s scheduled arrival in Buka without prior warning to him. This is the second of such instances…

  • Update 8th May

    Update 8th May

    Sheena travelled from Arawa to Buka today, 8 May, for her pre-trial hearing. This hearing we understood was to be held with our lawyer present and was, we had understood to be scheduled for Friday, 10 May. Our lawyer was booked to fly to Buka tomorrow. As I understand it at the time of writing…

  • Revenge Porn in Bougainville

    Revenge Porn in Bougainville

    REVENGE PORN IN BOUGAINVILLE …CRUEL PAYBACK & BLATANT MISCARRIAGE OF AROB JUSTICE A SECOND Update IN TWO DAYS: JUSTICE FOR SHEENA I am instructing our lawyer to present the following Open Letter to both The PNG Police Commissioner, NCD, PNG and The Secretary, PNG Department of Justice and Atorney General, NCD, PNG Dear Sirs, REVENGE…

Contact us

To get in touch with your support for Sheena, or for media enquiries, please drop us a message using this form.

We are particularly interested in hearing from anyone else who has unfortunately been subjected to similar injustices as Sheena in Bougainville, and every message will be treated with utmost confidentiality.