Revenge Porn in Bougainville




I am instructing our lawyer to present the following Open Letter to both

The PNG Police Commissioner, NCD, PNG


The Secretary, PNG Department of Justice and Atorney General, NCD, PNG

Dear Sirs,


With full respects, I wish to bring to your attention an apparent clear case where I allege a VICTIM of REVENGE PORN IS WRONGLY CONVICTED by the court in Buka and the REAL CULPRITS, an AROB police officer and his new girlfriend were NEVER CHARGED.

I am confident you would agree that it is a blatant miscarriage of justice to penalise the victim of revenge porn and ignore those who actually committed the crime by taking and posting photographs of the victim online without her permission?

This is what has allegedly happened to my daughter, Sheena Cook, previously detective sergeant in-charge of CID at Buka Police Station who turned whistleblower.

Unfortunately, my daughter was so confident the charge would be thrown out, she did not bother to hire a lawyer to represent her or to contact me.

Unbelievably, the magistrate found her guilty and fined her K1,000 with a conviction recorded.

It is inconceivable how the magistrate came to that conclusion unless there was a sinister, ulterior motive or agenda.

Was the magistrate in collusion with one or more of the corrupt AROB police officers?

Examples of very serious alleged crimes and corruption in AROB by corrupt AROB Police Officers, as you will be aware, are given in a long report entitled Operation Challenger Grievance Report, dated 23 August, 2023, signed by many respected community leaders in at least one region of AROB.

My Facebook Page gives background information to my JUSTICE FOR SHEENA campaign.

AROB Deputy Police Commissioner, F. Tokaru, appeared on AROB television saying the content of my page was “lies, all lies” and announcing that Sheena had been convicted of “producing pornography”.

Firstly, although I don’t normally describe myself as such, I am an experienced and fully qualified scientist having worked in practical research, development and management fields all my career. I am now retired.

Nothing I have written in my Facebook postings has been lies, as far as I am aware. I do like to check my facts and sources, like all good scientists.

Secondly, Sheena was the innocent victim when her then partner managed to get photographs of her. He lied to her that he had deleted them. After they broke up, the photographs were then posted online on some obscure website, from his device, not hers.

This occurred after my daughter had written and presented to senior police management in AROB an official complaint about a very senior police officer in AROB who was continually seriously sexually harassing both my daughter and other more junior female officers. In effect she was a ‘whistleblower’.

The obvious conclusion is that this was an act of REVENGE PORN that was perpetrated by collusion between certain corrupt very senior police and certain corrupt staff in the court system, perhaps the magistrate who made the decision.

I hereby request, with full respect, that you both ensure that the magistrate who came to such a blatantly wrong decision is summonsed and investigated fully and that my daughter and our family name are finally cleared of any wrongdoing.

For this to happen, the trial in which she was convicted should be declared a mis-trial. There should be a re-trial with our lawyer present.

In addition, her ex-partner-police officer needs to be charged and also tried in court.

May I also repeat that the magistrate who convicted my daughter needs to be fully investigated and his or her decision urgently reviewed by more senior officers.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

David C Cook

Proud to be Sheena’s Dad


Originally posted on Dave’s facebook on April 28th, 2024

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