Update 8th May

Sheena travelled from Arawa to Buka today, 8 May, for her pre-trial hearing. This hearing we understood was to be held with our lawyer present and was, we had understood to be scheduled for Friday, 10 May.

Our lawyer was booked to fly to Buka tomorrow.

As I understand it at the time of writing this post (Wednesday evening) Sheena was summoned to the court today when she arrived in Buka for the pre-trial hearing.

This of course was in the absence of her lawyer, who should and would of course have been present, if it had been held on Friday.

At least this time our lawyer has had time to cancel his flights and rebook them for the trial date now scheduled for 3 June.

Our lawyer has expressly asked me to refrain from making any controversial comments about this, at least until the trial is over.

Meanwhile we are just becoming angrier and angrier.

The photo was taken of the family when I was working in Hong Kong and Sheena was a student at a Hong Kong International High School. Happy days. 🥰

Originally posted on Dave’s Facebook page, May 8th 2024

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